We Did It: 1.32 ETH Raised for FarCandles

We Did It: 1.32 ETH Raised for FarCandles

My name is Sam and I'm the founder at Humankind. 16 days ago I started a campaign to raise 1.32 ETH to make custom order candles for FarCon, the annual conference for the protocol Farcaster.

I'm very grateful to the folks have helped me with this campaign: @nonlinear, @ted, @cameron, @christin, and @rileybeans

Humankind has been a long time coming for me. I talk a bit about my feelings and as to why I started Humankind in a previous blog. Beyond being one of my first corporate partnerships, many of my friends and early supporters had contributed to this campaign. It's nice to make stuff for people you care about. 

This also speaks to the demand for commerce to be on chain. If you want to put your project on chain, check out Fabric and see my thread on how I campaigned.

I look forward to making FarCandles, and thank you again for everyone who has been on this journey with me and supported me. 

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